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Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) has become widely known as an essential method for real-time observation of crystal growth. RHEED can be used to analyze film surfaces in either a static mode for existing materials or dynamically as film growth evolves. This makes RHEED an exceptionally valuable tool for investigating structures in Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE).
In general, RHEED is a method for investing the structure of crystal surfaces. A high-energy electron beam(10-30KeV) is directed at the sample surface at a low incident angle(1-2°).The electrons are diffracted by the crystal structure of the sample being investigated and then projected on a fluorescent screen mounted opposite the electron gun. The characteristic pattern of the impinging electrons is a series of streaks. The distance between the streaks is an indication of the surface lattice cell size.
• 结晶学(Crystallography)
• 超导体(Superconductors)
• 分子束外延生长Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
• 化学气相沉积Chemical vapor deposition
• 激光脉冲沉积(PLD)、有机分子化学气相沉积(MOCVD)
• 冶金(Metallurgy)
• 薄膜制备(Thin film deposition)
• 涂层(Coatings)
30KeV Electron Gun:
Beam Spot Size: 90micro meter dia. Maximum
Filament: 0.1mm dia. Tungsten Wire (hairpin-shaped)
Wehnelt: Self Bias
Focus Lens: Air Core Solenoid Coil Lens
Deflection Lens: Troidal Coil Lens
Axial Alignment Mechanism: Alignment for Filament and Wehnelt
Insulation Voltage: DC30KV
Working Pressure: <10-4pa to 10-9pa
Max. Bakeout Temperature: 200 degrees C
Mounting Flange: ICF70
Dimensions: 100mm dia. x 401mm long
(501mm long with a connector inserted)
Acceleration Voltage: 0 to -30KeV Constant Voltage Supply
( Ripple 0.03% Maximum)
Beam Current: 0 to 160 micro ampere
Filament Voltage: 0 to 5V Constant Voltage Supply
(Ripple 0.05% Maximum)
Filament Current: Max. 2A
Deflection Lens Supply: 1A Constant Current Source(plus or minus1V)
(Ripple 0.05% Maximum)
Focus Lens Supply: 0 to 1.5A Constant Current Source(0 to 22V)
(Ripple 0.05% Maximum)
Input Power: 200V, 220V, 230V, 240V
Dimensions: 480mm x 199mm x 500mm (cable +100mm)
Safety Feature: High Voltage Interlock
Others: RoHS-ready
1. 电子枪部分
2. 控制电源部分
4. 电子束摇摆
为了做RHEED分析,电子束必须以掠角方式入射样品。 独特的电子束摇摆特征,允许精确调节和变化电子束入射角度,而不用移动样品。这个特征在对固定位置的样品进行分析测试时是非常有用的
通常的电子枪是为在如10-4 torr 这样较高压力条件下工作设计的,但是这样必然导致灯丝寿命的缩短。带有差分抽气系统选项的RHEED系统, 保证了可以在高压和有反应气体存在的环境下进行日常的操作。对灯丝部分的高效抽气,使得RHEED系统同其他系统相比有****的灵活性。
6. 计算机控制
RHEED系统可以完全由计算机来控制。电子枪控制部分包括一个界面模块和一个软件包,这保证了RHEED的使用灵活性,和可重复性。 用户自己设定的参数可以被保存并调入,通过电子束光阑可以控制电子束的开关,使用电子束摇摆特征可以调节电子束入射角度。
7. 荧光屏
RHEED Vision 是一套可以同现存的各种RHEED系统配套使用的功能非常强大的数据采集软件, 它可以同时进行图像处理和实时数据分析。并且有很多可选的数据缩减程序。另外还提供其它的硬件控制模块,如锁相外延生长,快门控制,激光脉冲触发器等。
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